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8 Monate vorher
Teyon died a few years ago from cancer.
1 vor einem Jahr
Goffney twins, BUBBLE BUTT HALL OF FAME members.
4 Jahre vorher
Teyon Goffney is the identical twin brother of Keyon Goffney... Teyon & Keyon was first introduced to us on the short-lived by Hershey's chocolate chip, chunk, hunk stud Marc Williams... Even though Teyon (top) is reportedly the str8 twin; he still joined his identical twin brother Keyon (bottom) reportedly the gay twin... briefly into the gay porn biz for some hot fucking and sucking into fandom... Lets face it!... It's very, very rare to hear that identical twins don't do it for us in porn... Whom better to start their brief porn career into stardom; than with one out of My Top Three Favorite, Fantastic, Phat, Bubble Booties of all time; Marc Williams!... But back to the Teyon & Keyon... Sadly; Teyon (mostly as a repeat criminal offender) and Keyon was dealing with some criminal theft / burglary tendencies and ended up in jail for 3 to 8 years back in 2009... I'm not sure if Keyon got less time or equal time... I agree; totally with the fans; such as myself; that the Goffney twins were very good looking and they could've had good porn and or fashion model careers... if they hadn't gotten into trouble... Damn!... I wish they had focus more on their porn career; not their criminal career and build up a resume of porn movies; not a criminal rap sheet... Keyon & Teyon could've dominated the market for a good five year plus years... inspiring ebony M&M chocolate twin wet dreams that soon won't soon be forgotten... Never forgotten; unless the rare identical triplets fantasies takes off... I guess only time will tell... I only recall... one other set of beautiful, ebony twins; bodybuilders Carlos Luiz Mendez & Luiz Carlos Mendez... courtesy of Kristen Bjorn productions... in the hot movie Caribbean Beat... Esteban Perez a.k.a. Chuck Hunter being the lucky recipient of those ebony, stallion twins; both fore and aft...