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1 year ago
i want this man to fuck and breed me every day! he is so hot.
2 years ago
Un peu trop gras ...
3 years ago
be mine
5 years ago
Oh, Adonis Couverture... I know where I"m spending my next spring break, summer and winter vacation for now on... Buried all up in that beautiful, fuzzy, hairy, manly, man of stud stallion, chocolate chest of his... Smooching, hungrily at dem savory, tasty lips and cheeks... In fact; make that reservation for the total box of chocolate package (I can"t forget dem second pair of chocolate cheeks... No Sir!) where I will be taking a chunky mouthful bite outta everything...
5 years ago
Oh my gawd, his height, the dimples in his butt cheeks, his stroke, lovely thick, more kissing PLEASE!!!