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6 месяц назад
Travis is a handsome dude! I like him!!! I"d love to meet him!!!
1 год назад
He"s a very good looking guy and supposedly bi (or like so many of the young cool kids, I guess the right term is PAN); shame that he keeps fucking up his life by getting into legal trouble. He might need to work in porn again but he"ll have trouble getting any decent sites to work with him after his last stint.
1 год назад
Is he only 4" 12" - that means 5 feet tall....... so he"s a short dude! It says 4; 12" for so many porn stars.
1 год назад
Travis is literally the hottest man I have ever seen
1 год назад
2 года назад
Podría hacer con Travis lo que él quisiera... Sobre todo comerle y follar su musculoso culo
2 года назад
152 cm... ah ah ah !!! LOL
2 года назад
Pure hotness. Would love to fuck his tight ass.